Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sticky stick

My Google search for "stick with lots of things sticking out of it" got the most random results. Pears! Parakeets! Piercings! Warts in sensitive areas!

Turns out what I was looking for is a fiber optic wand. K used to have one as a baby and he was fascinated by it. But they all say they're not for kids under 3 or 5. Which I guess makes sense, right? They do have all those little things sticking out of them that could fall off. X will have to be stuck with these for his birthday.


  1. I am AMAZED that you got to the fiber optic wand result from "stick with lots of things sticking out of it"!

  2. Haha, I didn't. I tried a bunch of other search terms, like "light stick circus" and "light wand," before I got to that.
