Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Travel with a guru

From the NY Times.

My parents actually did this -- drove their guru around the country. I never really got the whole guru/disciple thing. He was a remarkable guy, though. One of those people who, if you met him once for two minutes, would remember you years later and ask about something specific that you had mentioned. It wasn't really clear to me until years later who he was. I just knew he was some sort of religious guy, and when he came to town we all went to see him.

I think it would be fun to be a guru. In the article, the author says that she waits anxiously from some word from her guru, and once in a rare while she is rewarded by some life-changing instruction. Can you imagine going around answering people's questions, and every once in a while just turning to someone and saying, "Move to Tibet."


  1. I've never been exactly clear on what a guru is. Are gurus supposed to have a divine mystical link to knowledge that the rest of us can't access? Or are they just very wise people?

    I vaguely remember some discussions about Sai Baba when we were in college...

  2. I think a guru is supposed to be a holy guy who is enlightened and teaches others about the path to enlightenment. So, a little of both.
