Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Brooklyn hipster

An acquaintance has a boyfriend that many of my friends dislike.  As I haven't met the guy, I was curious as to why he provoked such a widespread negative reaction.  One friend told me, "It's because he's so Brooklyn."  Another clarified, "Brooklyn hipster."  

I am not hip enough to know what that means off the bat, or why being a hipster is bad.  Also, this is apparently a hard thing to explain to someone who is not hip enough to get it.  One exasperated friend finally forwarded me the guy's current facebook status:

"My first reaction was 'I'm going to throw up in my mouth now,' but then I realize that this is a zero-sum situation. Kind of like that Spiderman/U2 thing, except I care even less."

... Okay, I get it now.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what it means to be a Brooklyn hipster, but I'm not sure what that comment means. But that's okay.
