Friday, October 12, 2012


Does primer (the kind you put on your face before foundation) actually do anything? I have two little tubes of samples, and I use them occasionally, but I see no difference.


  1. I've heard that it fills in pores, helps foundation go on more smoothly, and keeps your makeup looking fresh longer. Never use it (or foundation) myself though, so I can't give you a firsthand account.

    if you're looking for a cheap way to give primer a try, I've heard people rave about -- get this -- Monistat anti-chafing cream. You can pick it up in the women's hygiene section. Apparently it has almost exactly the same ingredients as one of the top primers.

  2. No, I already have some, I'm not buying more... just wondering if it may be doing something for me that I'm not noticing, or if it doesn't really do anything noticeable for anyone.

  3. Which samples do you have? Maybe it depends on the primer. I've heard good things about the Smashbox one.

    I've noticed that certain moisturizers and sunscreens have more "slip" to their finish than others, making makeup easier to apply (or harder, if there's TOO much slip). I'd imagine that's how a primer would/should work. You don't feel any difference in the amount of foundation you use, or how evenly it blends onto your face?

  4. I have the Smashbox one and another one I got from Birchbox. And maybe another one too lying around somewhere. I only use a little concealer and put powder over it, and I've never had trouble blending (especially since I started using my makeup brushes!) Maybe I don't wear enough makeup for it to make a difference. I guess if I really want to know, I should take pictures with and without and compare them.

  5. This AskMefi question shed some light on the primer issue for me. I think for people with dry skin, primer really helps them by smoothing out their skin before applying makeup. I tend to have oily skin, so makeup already goes on pretty easily.
