Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Ansonia

According to Wikipedia, The Ansonia (a hotel on the Upper West Side) had a rooftop farm back in the early 20th century that "included about 500 chickens, many ducks, about six goats and a small bear."  Dairy cows could be stabled on the roof.  A bellhop would bring free fresh eggs to hotel inhabitants every morning.  Can you even imagine?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ruler of Everything

Ever since my sister introduced us to Tally Hall during her last visit, we've been listening to them a lot.  This song reminds me a bit of They Might Be Giants.

Color personality test

Color personality test (via AT). The results are oddly specific.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Does primer (the kind you put on your face before foundation) actually do anything? I have two little tubes of samples, and I use them occasionally, but I see no difference.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Belt style

Did you know that wide belts are not recommended for short-waisted women?  Every article I've read seems to agree that short-waisted women should wear skinny belts or no belts, and definitely no belts in outfit-contrasting colors.

... this is after I just bought three non-returnable wide belts.  Two in bright contrast colors.

Also, the American Apparel site is full of topless women.  (If you would like to see one, try the "nail polish" section and scroll through the images at the top.  It was not what I was expecting to see when shopping online for nail polish.)