Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kitchen Cleaning

This post purports to set a schedule for deep-cleaning your kitchen in twenty minutes a day over thirty days. Seems like a good idea in theory, but if you add it up over the thirty days, this is ten hours of cleaning.  Surely a kitchen can be cleaned -- even deep cleaned -- in a fraction of that time?  I'd rather set aside two or three hours on a weekend to do it all than parcel out twenty minutes every day to clean one room of my home.  Also, does it really take twenty minutes to, say, clean a trash can?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ice cream

Had a dream that I went to an ice cream shop where they offered two or three homemade flavors each day. I wanted strawberry, but JW insisted on Bitter Odor.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Lately I've been having trouble thinking of certain words. When I was trying to come up with the word catechism, first I went through cataract, catharsis, concatenation. When I was trying to remember the name of that YA series I've been meaning to read ("Diverged"), I thought, what is that, diligent, leverage, levitation...? On one hand, it's interesting to see how my brain groups words together. On the other... aren't I too young for this? Should I be eating fish oil or something?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Yellow Fever

This made me laugh and feel gross, all at the same time.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hyperbole and a Half's take on depression

As someone who has had a number of depressed friends, but finds it difficult to imagine what clinical depression feels like, this was eye-opening.  Especially the idea that depression may not feel like sadness as much as like loneliness and boredom.