Monday, August 4, 2014

The Magicians trilogy

Fantastic article about The Magicians trilogy, which actually makes me want to read the third one.


  1. P.S. - I got it for the Kindle!

  2. Yay! I'm really looking forward to reading it. The article was great too -- now I no longer feel like I have to reread the second one (which I didn't like so much) before diving into the third...

  3. Did you read it? Did you read it??
    I plowed right through it and LOVED it.

  4. Not yet! I decided I have to reread the second book first since I remember, oh, 2% of the plot for that one. Just got it off hold from the library yesterday. So I need to finish the book I'm reading now and then reread the second book before I can get to this one. But I can't wait!
