Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fashion attempts

1. Makeup brushes: I got a $10 EcoTools set from RiteAid. I like it! My makeup looks better and lasts longer, and applying it is neater and more fun. Thumbs up to makeup brushes.

2. In the comments to this Corporette post on scuffed shoes (guilty), someone suggests using a Sharpie to touch up the shoes. I tried it. It looks pretty terrible, but it's an improvement as long as no one looks closely. I hope I can cover it up with shoe polish. If I ever bother to use shoe polish.


  1. The problem with Sharpies and leather is that Sharpies leave a weird purple shine. (I know this because I once spent several hours coloring in the white contrast stitching on a black bag with a Sharpie, and you could definitely see where I slipped. And it didn't even turn the contrast stitching black enough. Boo Sharpies.)

    Which makeup brushes have you been using?

  2. Yes, exactly!
    You mean, which ones out of the (EcoTools) set? Just two, and I'm not sure they're even the appropriate ones. One for foundation and one for powder. The only other part of my makeup routine is lipstick and I don't have a brush for that.
