Sunday, November 24, 2013


I don't really get the word "curated" when applied to people's homes.  The Oxford English Dictionary defines the verb "to curate" as "to select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition)."  So... doesn't everyone select, organize, and look after the items in their home?  What is a "curated" home, then?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Paper Tigers

Interesting (long) article about the Asian American experience.

While he was still an electrical-­engineering student at Berkeley in the nineties, James Hong visited the IBM campus for a series of interviews. An older Asian researcher looked over Hong’s résumé and asked him some standard questions. Then he got up without saying a word and closed the door to his office.
“Listen,” he told Hong, “I’m going to be honest with you. My generation came to this country because we wanted better for you kids. We did the best we could, leaving our homes and going to graduate school not speaking much English. If you take this job, you are just going to hit the same ceiling we did. They just see me as an Asian Ph.D., never management potential. You are going to get a job offer, but don’t take it. Your generation has to go farther than we did, otherwise we did everything for nothing.”

Friday, November 1, 2013

Things organized neatly

Stoat returns

S: "... you know, that girl in 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'  Stoat.  Stoat Finch."

Me: "???"

S: "Or was her name Scout?  Maybe it was Scout."